By Heidi Layton (14-year-old pro-life advocate)
I'm one month old now,
And I'm happy to say,
That I'm looking forward,
To that special day.
Mommy, I love you!
And though I can't see,
I still can't wait,
Till you see me!
I'm two months old now.
I'm growing feet!
And you're the one person,
That I want to meet.
Mommy, I'm kicking!
Can you feel me?
Soon, in your arms is where I will be.
Mommy, three months now!
It's only a little while,
Till you can see my overjoyed smile.
Mommy, you're sad.
Why do you cry?
Mommy, why do you want me to die?
Mommy, it hurts!
Don't you love me?
Isn't it me,
That you wanted to see?
Didn't you care,
About the hugs I could give?
Mommy, why didn't you want me to live?
Mommy, I love you no matter what.
Though that once open door, has now been shut.
Mommy, I love you.
But now it's too late.
That little needle, should not have been my fate.
Henry- wow!! What a wonderful post. How truly inspiring this is. I don't know why women (and men) think that it is okay to abort a baby. That baby has the same life that anyone else has and by aborting a baby it is murder! Great post- these words are so touching!! Thanks for posting this Henry!