Saturday, March 3, 2012

You Prepare A Table

This song resonates in my heart this week. How God's very desire is to have a close fellowship with us. Even when I am in the presence of my "enemies" (my struggles, temptations, difficulties, doubt, etc.), God is so willing to be next to me and prepare a table (dine in with Him) in front of all my enemies. Remember, the Psalmist wrote that GOD is the one prepares the table, not us! How personal this relationship that God always longs to have with us in our daily life.

It is very true that Christianity is not about religion, rather, is about a personal relationship with God. God desires all to come to know Him. He is patient, not wishing anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9 NIV). Who is this God that is so willing to have a personal relationship with us (human)? For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son (Jesus) to die on the cross for our sins (John 3:16 NIV). He is the propitiation for the sins of the people (Romans 3:24-25 NKJV). While we are still sinners, Christ died for our sins (Romans 5:8 NIV). Though the relationship is broken by sins, God sets forth a way (through His Son Jesus to bleed and die on the cross) to restore that relationship with us. 

If any of you bloggers who long to have that relationship restore, simply come to Jesus. Simply come acknowledging you are broken by sins, and accept His offer of forgiveness of all of your sins through His shed blood on that cross. You are restored to God. This relationship with Him is everlasting. 

I hope this song would also resonate in your heart, reminding you how faithful and gracious God is!

You Prepare A Table
Rita Baloche
(Sung by Jami Smith)

When the battle's fierce 
And the walls are crashing in 
And I have no place to go 
Surrounded by my foes yet not alone 
'Cause one thing I know that they don't know 

You prepare a table for me 
And bless me in the presence of my enemies 
You fill me till my cup overflows 
You restore my soul 

If not for You 
I would surrender to my fears 
And hope would surely slip away 
I find comfort knowing You are near 
Ready to save renew my strength 

I will lift up my eyes 
To where my help comes from 
I know You hear my cries 
You are my champion

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